Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Title Warehouse #7 (parenthetical, mostly infinitive, clause edition)

They Thwarted a Plan (to blow up a dam)

It Don't Take a Baseball Bat (to break a pinata)

It's Still Illegal (to run me over)

It's Hard (to beat you) When You Beat Yourself

(I never show up) For Death


Mattdaddy said...

donde está mi cabeza (versión mexicana)

Usted consiguió a veces (vaya y vaya y vaya)

Realmente tengo gusto de su sombrero (solamente de sus cogidas principales él para arriba)
That one didn't translate well, so here it is in English:
I really like your hat (but your head fucks it up)

Mattdaddy said...

Using Babelfish, I took that last one from english, to spanish, to french, to dutch back to english and got...

Really have I taste of the relative cap (taken of his the control he only judgments here on)

That's the best one yet.